6 Indoor Plants that will Thrive in your Coworking Space

Human beings have an innate connection to nature, and this extends to our workplace. Studies have found multiple benefits to having plants in the workplace – they increase productivity, help to reduce stress, make the space more attractive, and clean the air.

Here are 6 plants, perfect for your coworking space!

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum is one of the best air purifier plants. It can grow in low office lighting, ideal for spaces that lack big windows.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake plant, or Sansevieria Trifasciata, has leaves that can grow fairly tall and attracts the eye in the coworking space. It’s a low-maintenance plant that also improves air quality.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has air-filtering qualities, it looks pleasing in the office space and the gel inside the plant can be used to treat minor accidents like paper cuts and burns.

Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant

Rubber plant or Ficus Elastica can grow to become a beautiful indoor tree within your office space. It likes bright light, but not direct sunlight. It’s also good at removing chemical toxins from indoor air.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo or Dracaena Sanderiana can be a long-lived accent to match any office, given the right care. It doesn’t need a lot of light and is perfectly happy if its vase is filled with water.

Zebra Cactus

Zebra Cactus

Zebra cactus or Haworthia is very attractive small, low growing office plant, a perfect ornament to any desk. It appreciates bright light and drier conditions.