We might sound biased when we say this, but it’s true: when it comes to generating new coworking leads, Google Ads is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. When executed correctly, it provides a significant return on your investment.
But let’s pause for a minute and draw your attention back to two important elements of that last sentence:
- Google Ads requires a financial investment
- It needs to be done right in order to show returns
If you’re running Google Ads for your coworking space but you’re not seeing new members signing up, it might be due to a few common Google Ads missteps—but these small issues are probably burning your budget in a big way.
Want to know if your space is a victim of these pitfalls?
Here are four questions to ask.
Are You Getting Tons of Leads But Very Few New Members?
At Spacefully, we see this one all too often: coworking space operators are getting hundreds of leads per month according to their Google Ads account, but their coworking space is plagued with vacancies.
Does it look like you’ve got an influx of interest, but those leads aren’t turning into revenue-driving members?
If that’s happening, the chances are your Google Ads conversion tracking isn’t set up correctly.
For example, rather than counting a conversion as someone successfully filling out and submitting a form on your website, you could instead be counting someone landing on your website as a conversion.
So, what looks like a conversion is nothing more than a mere interaction with your website—a classic case of your metrics being misrepresented.
If you set your conversion tracking to capture more meaningful engagements, you’ll quickly strip away the excess and be left with more accurate results.
Are Your Leads Unqualified or Misaligned with Your Services?
When you’re setting up Google Ads, the process is simple—right?
You plug in a few keywords that are relevant to coworking, and—boom—qualified leads are lining up outside your door.
But here’s where it gets tricky—Google Ads keywords are far from intuitive. In true Google fashion, there’s a lot more to it than it seems at a glance.
In fact, some of the most intuitive campaign keywords for coworking spaces can actually bring you results that make absolutely no sense as they pertain to your goals.
Do you often get leads that are highly unqualified—looking for the wrong location or service or something that has nothing to do with your space?
Your keywords might be the cause.
Imagine this: you use a keyword like “coworking space” in your Google Ads campaigns, and then suddenly, you’re getting conversions for search terms like “spaces living” with leads asking you about move-in dates for new condos.
Seem far-fetched? It isn’t.
In fact, the keyword “coworking space” actually produces results like:
- Garage space for rent
- Regus franchise
- Live-work spaces for rent
- Warehouse for rent
With Google Ads keywords, knowing which keywords not to use is equally as important as knowing which keywords you should use.
If you want to dive into this topic in more detail, check out our resource: Outrageous Results: Intuitive Google Ads Keywords That Create Chaos for Coworking Spaces.
Does Something Look Off When You Google Your Space?
“I can be Googled; therefore, I am.”
While it might seem a tad dramatic to put this twist on René Descartes’s philosophy, it’s actually a pretty fitting representation of doing business today.
If your coworking space doesn’t show a solid presence when Googled, it’ll be virtually impossible to find, and this will negatively impact your Google Ads performance.
That’s why it’s vital to have your Googleable presence dialed in.
Here’s a quick exercise to do: open a new tab in your browser and Google your coworking space right now.
Don’t worry—we’ll wait.
When your results show up, what do you see? You should encounter the following:
- Your logo
- Your business name is shown
- Photos of your space
- A Google Business Profile
- Your phone number
- A compelling call-to-action
- A landing page that can be clicked
- Well-crafted copy that’s free of typos and errors
Are any of these missing?
If so, your Google Ads account might be suffering.
Having an incomplete or unprofessional Google presence can significantly harm the performance of your Google Ads campaigns. The factors listed above make it harder for potential members to find and trust your space.
Without clear contact details, call-to-actions, or optimized landing pages, Googlers are less likely to engage with your ads, leading to lower click-through rates and conversions.
Plus, things like spelling errors or unprofessional copy can diminish your credibility, making your campaigns even less effective.
Are You Getting Leads But You Can’t Tell Where They Came From?
If you can’t track exactly what Google Ads is delivering for your coworking space, that’s a big red flag.
It’s like trying to steer a ship without knowing where the wind is coming from.
You need to know whether your leads are coming from:
- Google Ads vs. social media ads
- Google Ads vs. organic traffic
- Google Ads vs. referral traffic
If you’re not sure, it’s tough to know what’s working and where to invest your ad spend. And if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Without clear insights into the source of your traffic, your Google Ads account could be underperforming, and you wouldn’t even know it.
If you’re experiencing any of these four symptoms, you need to take action to protect your ad dollars and make sure you’re maximizing your potential leads.
While these things are common issues with simple fixes, they’re critical to the success of your ad campaigns. If you’re feeling unsure how to solve these problems, don’t worry. Spacefully can help. Book a free introductory call to learn how Google Ads can bring new members into your space starting today.